Indeed accounting is a powerful temporal universe reality anchoring discipline especially when it is wielded by banks to enforce their monopoly paradigm of Debt Only as in the burden to repay in the creation and distribution of new money.

But what if utilizing the accounting equation we credited 50% of the price of virtually everything to the consumer at retail sale, and the government rebated that credit back to the merchant granting it to the consumer? That would macro-economically implement beneficial price and asset DEFLATION which is a destruction of the profit-making orthodoxy that deflation is bad for commercial agents, and enlightens the fact that retail sale is the sole aggregative as in universally participated in/personally economically effecting point in the entire economic process (worthy of a non-Noble prize in economics if I do say so myself) and is thus the perfect place to implement the above monetary policy because:

1) it mathematically doubles everyone's purchasing power and so

2) potentially the demand for every enterprise's goods and services,

3) ends inflation forever and last but not least

4) transforms the often onerous experience of going to the store to buy something into the greatest opportunity to self actualize gratitude for a gift since meditation and prayer. Exactly what an increasingly hostile and chaotic world needs.

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I have a few questions.

- As far as I understood, your suggestion would result in creation of “rebate money” by Govt so that money will become public’s savings (on purchases). Is it correct?

- I assume that nothing can stop merchants from increasing prices, especially when rebate-driven demand will increase. So, how the proposed policy will “end inflation forever”?

Thank you.

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You assume wrongly. In order to opt in to the discount/rebate policy and all of the other benefits of the new paradigm like greatly reduced personal. corporate and eliminated payroll taxes retailers will have to pledge that they would not raise their prices. In my book there is also a tax/rebate policy on any business to proceeding business where any revenue garnered from arbitrary price increases (greed -flation) will be taxed at 100% and rebated back to the proceeding business who suffered the additional costs. Repeated breaking of these reasonable stabilization of such personal and commercial benefits will result in loss of their discount rebate and tax/rebate privileges. I also suggest a new govt. department I refer to as The Dept. of Competition, Innovation, Boycotting and The Public's Bully Pulpit that will have weekly press conferences pointing their finger at any transgressors and recommending the public boycott those businesses that are trying to game and destroy their 100% increase in purchasing power. If this takes an army of Bill Black style forensic accountants....wonderful!!!. As for any complaint that this is oppressive govt. please spare us. We'll see how many right wingers refuse to sign up for the $1000/mo. universal dividend on "principle"...especially when you cant't opt into it thereafter for 5 years if you don't do so initially. And even then, no one is forcing them to keep the benefits of such. They can always pay full price for a $500k house instead of the $125k they'd get it for with the discount at retail and the debt jubilee at note signing.

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And even without the 100% tax policy if some anti-social CEO decides to raise their prices by 20-30% and even one of his competitors only raised them 5 or even 0% just how much market share is the competitor going to steal from the greedy CEO?

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Thank you Steve.

You did not answer my 1st question, so I'm assuming implicit Yes.

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Sorry, yes the money created by the government or central bank, whichever is mandated to create and distribute the rebate monies, saves the consumer half the price. In the case of the Gift/Debt Jubilee policy at point of loan signing the bank sends the owner or home builder the remainder of the $250k and then the government would gift 50% of the total interest earned on the term of the note immediately to the bank which they could pocket as revenue in exchange for reducing the note by 50% to $125k.

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Ok, thank you again.

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