Jul 5Liked by Steve Keen

Steve, begs the question why? Nothing capitalism likes better than surplus labour. Flawed policy, if it results in surplus labour, is profit making for the moneyed interest.

As long as we pretend math is sensitive enough to understand nuanced human behavior it's weak thinking and misguided policy as far as the eye can see.

The clever ideology is just a useful distraction to occupy minds.

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Good, lets get to accounting and where utilizing its money creation and distributional effects a monetary policy will have most beneficial macro-economic effect. Thats the point of retail sale...which EVERYONE either participates in or is effected by, making such policy a new aggregative macro-economic insight that has been going on hundreds of millions of times every day for centuries if not millenia and has been waiting for us to cognite on.

That specific policy is a (at least) 50% Credit/Debit policy at retail sale. Immediate effects: beneficial price and asset deflation, doubling of everyone's purchasing power, potential doubling of demand for enterprise' goods and services and last but most importantly transforms the economic process from a continuously aggravating experience into the greatest opportunity to self actualize gratitude since meditation and prayer. Thats what I refer to in my book as a mega-paradigm change.

Extend accounting's power to a 50% Monetary Gift to the bank/Debt jubilee to the individual policy at point of loan signing and now that $500k house you agreed to purchase for $250k at retail sale is reduced to a loan of $125k. Toss in a $1000/mo. universal dividend that enables the elimination of payroll taxes for welfare, unemployment insurance etc. and every employee and every employer's self interests are integrated against "the roving cavaleers of credit" and we might be able to have a capitalistic revolt of the bourgeisie" that Marx fantasized about but didn't have the right policy and technological capabilities to utilize like we have now. Over consumption? What if you had a policy of a sliding scale required percentage of gifted money into 5-6% Eco/Energy R & D/Other Rational Pursuits Treasury bonds. Such a tax is still a monetary gift. Transformation, an aspect of paradigm changes and of the the natural philosophical concept/experience of grace/graciousness.

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I’m Hummel. don’t see how this idea would not create inflation. Explain to me like I am 10 how inflation does not happen in this situation you outlined. Thank you

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