Your facts and theoretics as usual are true and enlightening. But we could linger in little or no actual significant political or temporal universe change unless we start a mass movement to communicate the huge personal and commercial monetary benefits of utilizing the accounting equation that equal debits and credits sum to zero at retail sale, point of loan signing and other points throughout the entire economic process.
If you can't sell a universally experienced 100% increase in individual purchasing power with a 50% Discount/Rebate at retail sale that lowers the price of a $400k house to $200k and a further decrease to $100k with an up front 50% Gift of the interest on a $200k loan to the bank in return for a $100k debt jubilee to the consumer, then you're either an ego involved neo-classical advocate or just have never realized the power to create beneficial monetary and economic effects applying monetary accounting operations.
Everything eventually boils down to politics. Sell it. Its a winner. The clock is ticking.
Your facts and theoretics as usual are true and enlightening. But we could linger in little or no actual significant political or temporal universe change unless we start a mass movement to communicate the huge personal and commercial monetary benefits of utilizing the accounting equation that equal debits and credits sum to zero at retail sale, point of loan signing and other points throughout the entire economic process.
If you can't sell a universally experienced 100% increase in individual purchasing power with a 50% Discount/Rebate at retail sale that lowers the price of a $400k house to $200k and a further decrease to $100k with an up front 50% Gift of the interest on a $200k loan to the bank in return for a $100k debt jubilee to the consumer, then you're either an ego involved neo-classical advocate or just have never realized the power to create beneficial monetary and economic effects applying monetary accounting operations.
Everything eventually boils down to politics. Sell it. Its a winner. The clock is ticking.
Well said. Covid relief has changed thinking.
Lost in Math, Sabine Hossenfelder