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Instead of doing a one-off, integrate debt jubilee continuously into the economic process with a 50% price reduction in the first two homes one buys. Paired with the 50% Discount/Rebate policy at retail sale that way the consumer ends up only paying $100k for a $400k house.

How about a policy of a required investment of 10% of the $1000/mo. universal dividend and 2% of total gifted price reduction from the above two policies (that makes the price $106k in the above policies) into infrastructure and/or eco-sanity bonds set at 4-5%. to curb consumption, boost investment and yet maintain alignment with the new monetary paradigm of Gifting. Ironically a gift of money for investment is still a gift even if you have to pay for it with the new monetary paradigm wed to double entry bookkeeping.

We need to wake up to the fact that private banking/money creation needs to become a public utility because its just an exterior parasite to the legitimate economic/productive process seeings how its always pre-production or post retail sale.

Becoming aware of the utilitarian value of the concept behind every historical paradigm change (the natural philosophical and ethical concept of grace) can elevate even the economic and monetary systems which have been used to dominate the general populace for the entire history of human civilization. Visualize it.

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