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Spot on critique of climate denying economists. But it will fall on the deaf ears of such until we recognize the deeper problem you previously identified...but failed to resolve, namely the monopoly monetary paradigm of Debt Only that has historically de-stabilized domestic economies.

C'mon Keen look at the conceptual history of all previous paradigm changes. New paradigms are always in complete conceptual opposition to the current/old paradigm. Examples: nomadic hunting and gathering to homesteading, urbanization and agriculture. In other words nomadism vs homesteading and urbanization, and immediate momentary gathering vs seasonal agriculture. Also, geo-centrism vs helio-centrism.

Why bitch for another 50 years while going no where? Instead change the OPERANT APPLIED MONETARY CONCEPT with an idea that insures universal monetary and economic security, integrates traditionally opposed political and economic constituencies (Marx's revolt of the bourgeoise), that has the correct strategic carrots and sticks to make not opting into the new paradigm's policies inevitable bankruptcy...all while enabling the kind of mega research and project funding that is the rational and irresistible path toward confronting climate change. Consult the movie When World's Collide for the model for mega-projects and Sun Tzu for your terminal cynicism and break out of the almost equally monopoly paradigm of Science Only and incorporate natural philosophical Wisdom of which science is a wholly included set and also enables what historically has always lead to scientific breakthrough.

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