Great Video! Crypto is just another misguided reform. The way to really make beneficial change is to analyze the ideas, AKA paradigm concepts, behind systems. This is because the current ones enforce the temporal and mental realities and the valid new ones resolve the anomalies of the old/current one and change the realities of the ENTIRE system under analysis.

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That was eloquent! It may sound sad for some people that most of cryptos will lose the battle for being considered a trusted/usable one (and so will holders of extinct cryptos).

It seems to me that bitcoin arising was caused by lost trust in banks – not in fiat money per se. In such cases a parallel money (satisfying some conditions, having low maintenance cost and outlined at https://t.co/QlwPt624f2) may be utilized as an auxiliary tool in an economy (not as a replacement of state money). Unlike a crypto any such parallel money is IOU. Using it requires registration what implies trust in the money by a registered entity.

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