"stability is destabilizing"

This statement, being a wisdom insight by virtue of its observation of either the dangers or resolving advantages of contemplating complete conceptual opposition, should have been your clue to investigate the new monetary paradigm concept which destroys the supposed inflationary nature of the quantity theory of money with the insight that "monetary gifting strategically implemented with equal accounting entries at retail sale of a 50% discount to the consumer all of which is rebated back to the merchant granting it to the consumer...implements beneficial macro-economic deflation for both individual and commercial agents. Conceptual analysis has way more potential for good than mere system's analysis.

You're completely right regarding neo-liberal idiocy on energy and climate change, but lets not give up on technological innovation quite yet as off planeting solar energy and micro waving it back to earth has promise as well as this research: https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/a-man-made-cloud-device-generates-electricity-from-thin-air/

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Folks might like to check out Roger Pielke Jr. at The Honest Broker for some cogent climate science and climate policy analysis.

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