Steve, ask any electrician, nothing clean about electricity.

Turns out the woman who invented the Messenger RNA Covid vaccine is a black woman. I grew up in my beloved Alberta; did my undergrad at U of A. I know these people and can speak fairly certainly with regard to the racial politics of the anti-vax trucker convoy crowd. Musk is an idiot.

So Canada and the United States completed the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1959 (year my sister was born) with grant money from their central banks. Has there ever been a better example in the history of the world of the absolute necessity of government money creation to fund important national priorities? Banks can't and won't fund everything. The Seaway carries its original cost in equivalent freight value everyday.

But the psychosis goes much deeper.

In its literature, Goldman Sachs is fond of touting its $580 billion in assets. Hold on a second. Those assets don't belong to Goldman. They're registered or encumbered on behalf of third parties, like my superannuation plan and yours. Actual capital at Goldman is much less, more like $10-20 billion.

But Goldman has $57 trillion in derivatives on the books. $57 trillion in directional bets, more than half world GDP, which risk management is quick to point out is hedged or netted out.

Sure, but what if there's a market meltdown, systemic risk or mysterious market freeze? Who's holding the cost of clean up. It's the full faith and credit of the U.S. Federal Reserve. In other words, the world economy.

The IMF, World Bank, BIS and most economists have allowed the banking sector to become a mafia numbers racket that Capone would be proud of. Economists, who should be defending the world economy from attack, are actually facilitating its ransoming with their nutter theories.

This week, the president of Club for Growth wrote an op-ed for the WSJ and said that crypto was "a hedge against inflation." It's down 75%. How is it a hedge against anything?

Later, he claimed crypto provides "banking for the unbanked." Who exactly is the unbanked? Right, I know, he's talking about the underclass. More cheesey financial software is exactly what the needy need.

We do more to protect the world economy on this blog than all the economists, financial administrators and politicians combined.

Lastly, Ted Cruz, U.S. senator from Texas, demanded this week and got food service providers working on Capitol Hill to accept crypto for meal purchases.

Can't make this stuff up!

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Bingo. I keep seeing crypto being touted as some sort of reintroduction of the gold standard, when in fact it is tulips: margin loans on excrescences.

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Someone should suggest the 50% Discount/Rebate policy at retail sale and the 50% debt jubileee policy at point of loan signing to Musk. He might like the idea of getting his full $60k for a Tesla but the consumer only having to borrow $15k to purchase it. Might even wake him up about the benefits of government money creation. Maybe he could take the additional profits from selling autos and start developing a "matter thrower" to cleanly get matter into orbit in order to assemble and off planet the worst carbon emitting means of production.

Also, if the continual build up of private debt is what de-stabilizes domestic economies maybe a 75% rate reduction in the biggest big ticket items might help that out.

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SH, naa, no new policy needed. If the institution is involved in secondary market, pull their Fed membership. Fed has this power now. But alas won't happen because central banks are in no way. shape or form independent.

Will shrink financial employment by 95%. Market will go up 30% next day. Industry is a huge tax on issuers, investors and consumers. Make banks eat their own pudding!

Literally, fired thousands of brokers and bankers in my career. Patient lived.


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Of course a new policy is needed. A policy that wildly benefits everyone, even business...like the 50% Discount/Rebate at retail sale. Why? Because its something that WILL SELL TO EVERYONE, except finance of course. Politics is simultaneously the stanchest and yet weakest link in Finance's dominance. You have to be able to herd the entirety of the political apparatus toward sanity and the only way to do that is to find a way to wildly and directly benefit the ENTIRE polis AND THEN COMMUNICATE THAT TO THEM.

Dr. Keen was correct when he cited Max Planck that "science advances one funeral at a time", but we're not just talking about science here we're talking about paradigm changes which are characterized by complete conceptual and temporal universe inversions of reality. The research/science/math has already been done and its all about "money, debt and banks". So communicate the 100% increase in individual purchasing power, the potential doubling of demand for every enterprise's goods and services and the end of inflation so that we can shut the mouth of every austerian (money), reduce the rate of total indebtedness by 75% by continuously integrating debt jubilee into the economic process with the 50% debt jubilee at the point of loan signing (debt) and if the (banks/banking) don't play by the new gracious universally beneficial rules then set up a true publicly administered banking system and let them try to compete. You know, "creative destruction and all of that".

Sell/communicate the new universally beneficial operant applied idea and 99% of the work is done. Then all you have to do is have an election. Please don't be a cynic. Cynicism is about 5 microns above total apathy and is why cynicism never ACCOMPLISHED anything. The motto must be: Cynicism regarding the old/current paradigm, keep reminding yourself of the optimism generated by the effects of every historical new paradigm.

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Musk says something in a field in which Steve has genuine expertise and it is transparently idiotic. Maybe this should make us reflect a bit on how respectful we are of his achievements in the field of electric vehicles and space travel - maybe these are just industries in which he has been given the abilities to extract (quasi-)monopoly rents through public funding? (I believe there is a meme in which a software engineer says something equivalent about Musk's understanding of software engineering, making him never want to get in a Tesla or Space-X vehicle...).

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