Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Steve Keen

..."flogged my interview with Lex Fridman to death". Indeed they have. I recently got up at 5.30 a.m. (NZ time) to watch a 'live premiere' on Youtube "with Prof. Keen" that was a mere 14 minute assemblage of clips that I'd seen before. I only expected to sit 'on the side', as I'm more interested in the narrative aspects of political opposition to Neoliberalism and Neoclassical economics than the complex maths of of Minsky and Ravel, which I'm happy to leave to those better qualified in maths than I am. Nevertheless, very disappointed not to have been able to say 'hi' to 'my' Prof. via the sidebar chat.

Looking forward to listening to the above when time permits...

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Thanks Kevin. You've given me the idea of having a chat session perhaps once a fortnight with my supporters on Patreon and on Substack.

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