Private debt IS a problem. However, ignoring your own insight that money is created by equal debits and credits that sum to zero wed to the new concept of Monetary Gifting strategically integrated into the economic process is THE bigger problem because it misses the the resolving nature of every historical paradigm change.

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Money can be created without debt, in national tresuries.

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Correct. It can even be created simply as money and distributed without the delusion that treasuries/the national debt are like private debt and must be repaid. However, in a system that has no or very flimsy barriers to committing the economic misdemeanor of inflation....thats exactly what will happen. However, if you reduced the price of virtually every good and service by 50% and that discount was rebated back to the merchant granting it to the consumer you'll implement beneficial price and asset DEFLATION...WITH A SINGLE POLICY.

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